Start from a simple square and follow different evolutionary paths to create a complex animation. Each step the AI will create a new animation based on the previous one and your prompt.
Start from a simple square and follow different evolutionary paths to create a complex animation. Each step the AI will create a new animation based on the previous one and your prompt.
The idea of this project is to evolve animations using AI. You can enter in the input field below how you want to change the animation that you currently see. The AI will then generate a new animation based on your input. If you don't like the result, you can just press the back button in your browser and try again. If you do like the result, you can enter another prompt to further evolve the animation.
The animation you see is derived from a parent animation. You can see the parent animation by clicking on the thumbnail image to the left. The current animation evolved from the parent using these instructions: a car that moves left and right with the q and d keys.
Previous visitors have evolved the current animation you can see the thumbnails of the results to the right. Click to visit them. You can find the instructions they used by hovering over the arrow to the left of the thumbnail.
Now it is your turn. Enter your instructions. For example, add more objects, change colors or change how things move. The AI will try to generate a new animation based on your input.